How to Apply for an Industrial PhD

On the 14th of August from 14.00-16.00, we will have three guests speakers presenting on both experiences of doing an Industrial PhD and working with projects partners as well as tips on how to apply. If you are wondering about the possibilities of an Industrial PhD, this event is for you!

We welcome you all back!


The trees are blossoming, vaccines are shooting, and the doors of ETHOS Lab are slowly opening. It it with great joy that we can welcome you back to the lab and to the (physical) community!

Please remember to book your slot in advance.

Materializing Data with Macrame

Blog post by Assistant Professor Vasiliki Tsaknaki reflecting on the online workshop for Ada Lovelace Day

‘We saw a potential on further exploring how softness, as a quality of data materialization, can create new relations to how data can be represented and interpreted, while at the same time perhaps challenge the “objectivity” and “neutrality” of data’

Pitch & Play with the Junior Researchers

The last couple of weeks, the workshop-format for ‘pitch & play’ have been conducted online and this begged for extra creativity from the pitchers. Here is an insight into one of these creative (and geeky fun!) sessions. 


The Syllabus on the Digital Anthropocene can now be downloaded. As a result of partly a workshop in ETHOS Lab with Hannah Knox’s and the initiative by James Maguire and Astrid O. Andersen. 

Python Study Group - Corona Edition

After last semester’s fully online digital version, the study group team have done an amazing job in supporting Python Study Group (PSG) in this Autumn 2020 hybrid semester, and this blog post details how they’ve gone about it.

Research, Interrupted

Fieldwork for ethnographers has changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and continues to shift under our feet. In the spring of this year, PhD students and their supervisors were struggling with the implications. Some remained in the field, willingly or stuck. Others were required to return – to home that was where their University was, to home that was elsewhere.