by lubl | Mar 16, 2021 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
What is a research sprint? Participating in “Digital Ethics in Times of Crisis: COVID-19 & Access to Education and Learning Spaces” Written by Benedict Lang In Autumn 2020, Harward’s Berkman Klein Center hosted a research sprint that convened a global cohort of...
by lubl | Jan 29, 2021 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
What makes a lab a lab? By Benedict Lang From the mid of August until the end of November, I had the chance to be a visiting scholar in the ETHOS Lab. I was working mostly on my master thesis about hackathons and how they promise solutions that they do not deliver....
by mblo | Nov 11, 2020 | News, Research, The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
Mastering disaster: Semi-Automatic Interview Transcription Written by Benedict Lang MSc Responsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology (RESET), Lab Intern, and Junior Researcher The series mastering disaster is a research diary that accompanies the process of...
by mblo | Feb 28, 2020 | News, Research, The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
Illuminating the invisible work of the unemployed through LinkedIn Blogpost by Lotte Schack, Anthropologist and intern in ETHOS Lab >>> I have never really gotten into using LinkedIn. As a student, I simply rejected using it altogether. However, when I...
by mblo | Jan 20, 2020 | News, Research, The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
Training for precarity Blogpost by Lotte Schack, Anthropologist and intern in ETHOS Lab >>> For a few months, unemployed university graduates have been subject to heated debate (Berlingske 2019, Politiken 2019), which coincidentally started around the time I...