by merg | Sep 13, 2021 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
By Rikke Haslund Jønsson, Junior Researcher My research process in ETHOS Lab started with the desire to find a way to organize and optimize individual learning for myself and other students as a reaction to the focus on group lectures and group work. I found...
by merg | Jul 30, 2021 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
Written by Casper Frohn Introduction: Concluding a Journey In my previous blogpost, I presented a theoretical foundation to showcase my journey in exploring the role of hashtags in activism. I argued how democracy is not merely a set of institutional...
by lubl | Apr 15, 2021 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
By Rachel Douglas-Jones and Luísa Reis Castro Going abroad during a PhD…. In Denmark, PhD students are required during their studies to complete a period of study abroad. Depending on their caring responsibilities and networks, this might be in commuting...
by lubl | Apr 13, 2021 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
Power Through Hashtags: Investigating Hashtags in Activism (and Reflecting on How to Do So) Written by Casper Frohn Opening Reflections: An Unnerving Journey In this blogpost we will take a journey into a world of abstract ideas and concepts, such as democracy and...
by lubl | Apr 13, 2021 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
By Luis Landa The very relationship of IT or more precisely consumer technology and our eco-systems was at the core of my thinking and research for my master thesis. Driven by a search for a way to incorporate ecological thinking into IT and our digital lives, I came...