A public talk by Pernille Tranberg about data ethics, competition and privacy. Pernille councils danish companies and public institutions in privacy and data ethics, and is a journalist. She gives talks and lectures on changes and tendencies in society following the development of digital and social media, big data and new technology.
If you missed this PublicETHOS talk, the recording is available here
When: 05.05.2017, 10:00 – 11:30 – See event on facebook
Where: Aud 2, IT University of Copenhagen, Rued Langgaardsvej 7, 2300 Kbh S
This publicETHOS will be held in Danish as it’s part of the new “IT Management & Leadership” course.
Dataetik – den nye konkurrencefordel.
Dette foredrag om dataetik handler om, hvordan privatliv og individets ret til at kontrollere egne data bliver et af fremtidens vigtigste konkurrenceparametre. Det viser, hvordan privacy er ved at udvikle sig til et samfundsansvar lige som det at være grøn er i dag, og hvordan det kan øge den digitale tillid. Foredraget runder nationale og internationale forbrugertendenser, der viser, at borgere og forbrugere ikke længere kun er bekymrede og manglende datakontrol (privacy), men også er begyndt at handle for at få magten over egne data. Ved hjælp af en stribe konkrete virskomhedscases beskrives hvordan et nyt marked for privacy tech og dataetiske virksomheder er ved at opstå. Vi runder også privacylovgivningen, som i denne sammenhæng kan bruges konstruktivt til at tale ned i forbrugernes ønsker.
This talk about data ethics deals with how privacy and the individual’s right to control own data will become a competitive advantage. It shows how privacy is developing into a social responsibility just as it is being green today, and how this can enhance digital trust. The talk will give an overview of consumer trends when it comes to personal data, and how consumers not only worry about their lack of privacy, but also have begun to act on the worry. Lots of concrete best practice company cases will show that the new market for privacy tech and data ethical conduct is about to bloom. The talk will also zoom in on the new data protection law from the EU, and how it can be used constructively in stead of being regarded as a hindrance to growth and innovation.
No entrance fee, everyone is welcome