PhD info + workshop

When: Thursday, 6 February 14.00-16.00
Where: ETHOS Lab (3A30) IT University of Copenhagen
Please register your participation by writing to 

Are you interested in pursuing a PhD? 
ETHOS Lab is hosting an info day for those interested in pursuing either an interdisciplinary social science PhD or an industrial PhD.


14.00: Welcome by Marie Blønd, ETHOS Lab Manager

14.10: Lene Wyke from ITU Research Support presents the concept of an Industrial PhD and the application process and deadlines

14.25: Vibe Qvist Mathiasen from the PhD Support presents other PhD options as well as the processes and deadlines

14.40: PhD student presents the lived experience and the pragmatics

15.00: 10-minute break

15.10: Head of Lab Rachel Douglas-Jones leads a workshop on ‘how to write your application’


Because of limited space, please register your participation by emailing