Tableau is a useful tool for data analysis and visualisation, and in ETHOS Lab we are fond of Tableau due to its easy drag and drop functionality and ability to quickly display data in many different ways.
In April we are having a publicETHOS workshop series on Tableau. The first workshop will be a two-hour introduction to the tool, and the second will focus on combining different datasets and you can bring your own dataset and get help with your analysis and visualisation.
To inform about and instruct in the use of Tableau, we have invited the Danish consultancy Inviso, which previously has held to Brilliant workshops at the ITU both on Tableau and Alteryx. Inviso is a featured Tableau partner and they have worked with numerous high-profile organisations such as Dong Energy, Berlingske Media and the University of Copenhagen. They pride themselves on hands-on experience with the tools they teach and sell.
You should bring your own computer and have Tableau installed before the workshop. As a student you can get a one-year Desktop key through the Tableau for Students program:
If you are not a student you can get a 14-days free trial:
Workshop #1 – Introduction to Tableau
Thursday April 20th from 12:00-14:00 in Aud. 3.
Are you completely new to Tableau or is it a while since you have used it? This workshop will introduce you to all the cool possibilities and visualisation options in Tableau.
Workshop #2 – Bring your data
Friday April 28th from 12:00-14:00 room 3A12-14
This workshop will focus on combining datasets and visualising them. Also you can bring your own dataset and get help from Tableau experts from Inviso.
Both events will be in English, and they are free and open to everyone.
ITU address:
IT-University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaardsvej 7
DK-2300 Copenhagen S