March 2019


What a story, March!

ETHOS Lab hosted many people in February. We held the Digital Anthropocene Syllabus Workshop. Our Ethnographic Happy Hour, co-hosted with Antropologforeningen, filled the lab to the brim and beyond, as the book Ethnography for a data-saturated world (Ed. Hannah Knox) was launched. February 22 marked the day of yet another launch. This time the GDPR: Deletion Poems Chapbook (Eds. Marisa Cohn & Rachel Douglas-Jones). We welcomed 7 new Junior Researchers to the spring 2019 Junior Researcher Programme and two Lab TAs who are already working hard on coordinating the lab's teaching activities. Meanwhile, we have had to say goodbye for now to Lab Assistant Bertil Ipsen, who is pursuing new adventures. Finally, the Python Study Group is back by popular demand, kick-starting on March 14.

All the best, 



Research: GDPR: Deletion Poems chapbook launch party

One of the highlights of February was the launch party for our GDPR Deletion Poems chapbook. Rachel Douglas-Jones and Marisa Cohn explained our year-long engagement with the GDPR and recited their favourite deletion poems. New visitors and long-time friends of the lab joined in to make new deletion poems, view David Cohn's audiovisual art inspired by parts of the GDPR, and, of course, cut the Recital 4 cake. Out of 200 copies of the chapbook, many have already been given out to curious GDPR geeks. Stop by the lab in 3A30 to browse through our big format version.


Laboratory Life: Welcome to the new Junior Researchers

Our Junior Researcher Programme has new students! Once again, they come from various universities--Lund, ITU and University of Copenhagen, and also from different master programmes. We are joined by people from Software Development, Digital Innovation & Management, Digital Design, Global Development and Social Anthropology. You can read more about the projects they are undertaking here.


Laboratory Life: Lab TAs

This semester, the lab is joined by new Lab TAs who are coordinating and handling many of the teaching-related activities ETHOS supports and carries out. Please welcome Veronika Skotting, 4th semester GBI student, who will be coordinating our Python Study Group. Please also welcome long-time ETHOS community member Mace Ojala, who self-identifies as "lab furniture". Among other things, Mace will be working on maintaining our TCAT services and a classification system for the ETHOS Lab Library.


Teaching: Python Study Group

The Python Study Group is relaunching. Our new Lab TA Veronika Skotting will be coordinating the study group, joined by our Junior Researchers as volunteers. A week before start-up, we had 25 sign-ups. The study group will run for 8 weeks, not including Easter. Read more about the Python Study Group--and sign up if you are interested!--here.

When: Thursdays 17:30 - 19:30 (kick-off 14 March)
Where: At ITU - room TBD.


Research: Big data and the power of narrative presentation by ETHOS Lab

 On March 21-22, The Research Network for the Anthropology of Technology is having a seminar entitled Big data and the power of narrative. Lab Manager Simy Kaur Gahoonia and former Lab Assistant Bertil Ipsen will present the work they did in designing the exercise portion of the masterclass 'Find din vej i datajunglen'. They will talk about the pedagogy of data visualization and cultivating qualitative approaches to digital data.


Other News

* Job: The Department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Vienna is inviting applications for the position of a Doctoral/Post-Doctoral Researcher. Read more here.

* Videos from former publicETHOS events

Opening hours are Tuesday and Thursday at 12.30-16:00 in 3A30
