Junior Researchers Fall2020/Spring 2020
Amalie Blixt
Stud. MSc. Digital Innovation & Management, 3rd semester
Project: From Data Subject to Decisionmaking: Fraud detection in insurance companies regarding disability and its algorithmic categorization process
Patricia Namakula Mbabazi
Stud. MSc Digital Innovation & Management, 3rd sem.
Project: How is the design of public information systems shaping the interaction between newly appointed citizenships and authorities in the societal context of integration and immigration. How is the digitization service enacting classifications, ethics and politics through computational design and judgement?
Marianna Kozányiová
Stud. MSc. Digital Innovation & Management, 3rd sem.
Project: Exploration of IT Consultancy practices: IT Consultancy is becoming a crucial discipline in Nordic countries within both, private and public sector, having a great influence over digital landscapes ingrained within our everyday lives. It is being constantly accelerated by the emergence of new technologies, which subsequently expand the demand and the market. It is therefore inevitable to explore and understand IT Consultancy practices through STS lens, in order to comprehend their influence on digital and organizational landscapes. How did IT Consultancy practices developed over time and in what organizational structures are these embedded in now? How can we understand these structures through exploration of systems, processes, standards, definitions, documents and data? What are the future remarks for IT Consultancy research?
Kristoffer Kloch
Stud. MSc. Digital Innovation & Management, 1st semester
Project: Podcast as method in knowledge production: Is there a ‘great divide’ (Turnbull) between researchers publications and the reach of non-academics? Aaron Schwartz, acted on the notion that there were institutional and political barriers keeping the public from accessing state-of-the-art research from universities and thus excluding them from intellectual debates. This project seeks to explore research dissemination both as a topic but also as a method. Can podcasting break down existing barriers and how does this format contribute differently than the format of writing and how?
Viktoriya Feshak Fall 2019
Stud. from TU Munich, Responsibility in Science, Engineering & Technology + on research internship in ETHOS LAB from 1 Oct -31 Dec 2019
Project: Technologies of mobility – The construction of inclusion within new Copenhagen metro line: A project on how principles of inclusion, embedded into welfare architectural policies, are mirrored in the newly designed metro system in Copenhagen focusing on how technical, infrastructural configurations are imagined to make disabled people “mobile”/“capable”. Using the case-study of the metro ring two concepts will frame the inquiry: participatory design and the techno-architectural assemblages and citizenship
Tea Schytt Meineche
Stud. Digital Innovation & Management, 3rd sem.
Project: Prompting questions of data sources, understandings of objectivity, power relations, and possibly even surveillance, this project takes an offset in a company specializing in offering analysis of social media data for political work. The notion of data-driven decisions influences political work given that the introduction of data and metrics in other businesses such as marketing and communication has been based on the idea of improving accuracy and performance. But what happens when the starting point is the opinions of voters or members of an organisation? What role do data and metrics then take on?
Junior Researchers Spring 2019
This thesis looks to address how data analysis and geographic information systems can be used to track and predict epidemics, with a focus on the ebola epidemic in West Africa. With the use of data, especially when collected under time pressure, the importance of data reliability and validity follows. This is why we have to discuss and understand, how culture, demography and politics affects the outcomes of geographic analysis – and how we can close these data gaps.
Wikipedia is the largest source of information ever collected and has huge influence around the globe, which enables certain narratives to control historical knowledge through language and culture. Using Wikipedia data, this project will investigate who is writing articles, in what languages and from where in the world. In a complementary qualitative analysis, I will seek to understand how the idea of Wikipedia may not fit the many types of diverse knowledge which exist around the world.
My project concerns the methodological challenge within ethnography of accessing and investigating groups in society that are “hard to reach”, exploring the possibilities of materializing absence. The inspiration comes from my fieldwork in Costa Rica, where girls often go under the diagnostical radar. Since this group appears absent in a clinical and societal setting, I also want to investigate how to group comes to be in other spaces than those immediately accessible to the ethnographer.
How is it possible to mitigate the problem of hate speech on social media when the sheer amount is too large to go through manually? One approach is automated text classification. Stefan’s project attempts exactly that – to detect hate speech on Danish social media through deep learning methods. The main challenges are the lack of Danish data sets, the ambiguity of text, and the subjectivity of definitions and annotations.
Data Science enthusiast, studying MSc Software Development program at ITU and writing Master Thesis related to deep learning techniques. Striving to combine knowledge in human and artificial intelligence. At ETHOS, executing research of Neural Networks ‘Neuropsychology and Artificial Intelligence: Understanding Neural Networks via Cognitive Psychology’. Analyzing the complexity of AI decision making processes, introducing the explanations based on parallels between concept of AI and processes of cognitive psychology and raising the discussion about ethical questions.
I’m investigating creativity in relations to AI by asking the question: Can creativity be fostered by artificial means? For this, I will conduct interviews with different types of artists. Furthermore, I will do an auto-ethnographic study where I implement two types of deep learning art producing frameworks; A poetry and painting generator. The thesis will be essayistic and experimental in nature, influenced by a variety of philosophers, artists, and scientists.
Climate change is here, but necessary radical changes to unsustainable consumer lifestyles in the west, are not happening. Engineering advancements in energy-efficient products have been cancelled out by consumers, simply using more energy. A lot of design proposals has focused on making consumers ‘aware’ of their consumption patterns, but recent research indicates that awareness in itself does not have an effect on behavior. This project seeks to illuminate the reasons for this, and point at new design strategies that could have a more substantial impact.