Seminar: Experiments, Collaboration and Digital Ethnography in Data Spaces
This seminar has been put together with the efforts of ETHOS Lab, DAR and Technologies in Practice research Group and we are very pleased to have Professor Sarah Pink will facilitate the day by sharing her experiences and knowledge of ethnographic experimentation for data/technology studies. The seminar requires preparation and is for those working ethnographically in data spaces. The seminar/workshop is primarily aimed at PhD students and early career researchers
Place: IT University of Copenhagen, ETHOSLab (1C05)
Date: Friday 2nd February 2018 at 9-12 followed by Lunch
Registration: On before 26th January
Research projects at ITU continuously work ethnographically within deeply, digital and mediated spaces, particularly on topics of data-driven decision-making. In this workshop, participants will bring a field question and a brief ethnographic story of doing ethnography in settings where the presence of digital technologies, or the promise of data, shift practices in the present. Using the preparatory readings as a springboard, they will prepare one index card (three in total) of how this experience can be described in terms of a) experiment, b) collaboration and the c) digital.
Preparatory readings
- Pink, S. Forthcoming 2018. “Refiguring collaboration and experimentation”, Afterword to Estalella and Criado’s 2018 Experimental collaborations: Ethnography through fieldwork devices’
- Marcus, G. Forthcoming 2018. Collaboration Mode 3: A Found Condition of Anthropological Field Research Today… and What Might be Made of IT
- Pink, S and J. Morgan. 2013. ‘Short-Term Ethnography: Intense Routes to Knowing’ Symbolic Interaction 36(3):351-361.
- Estalella and Criado 2017. Ethnographic experimentation: Other tales of the field’ #Colleex series on Allegra Laboratory
Venue: Experiments, Collaboration and Digital Ethnography in Data Spaces will be held in the ETHOS Lab (1C05), where we are experimenting with everyday sensory ethnography of IoT devices, and formulating enquiring questions for working in a continuous way with our speculatively sensored space.
Sarah Pink is Distinguished Professor and former Director in the Digital Ethnography Research Centre at RMIT University, Australia. She is internationally known for her work on methodologies, and wide range of collaborations focusing on digital and emerging technologies in everyday life.