A partner is an organisation that ETHOS Lab has especially strong ties to. Part of the focus in the lab is to experiment with organisational services, and partner organisations are an essential requirement to be able to do so.
Analyse & Tal is a young consultancy company working with digital methods whilst also using more traditional social science methods. ETHOS Lab and Analyse & Tal are exploring collaboration through a partnership, and are working on several projects together.
ETHOS Lab maintains a large list of public as well as private actors who we collaborate with for research and teaching purposes. This list provides an overview of who the lab has worked with in the past.
ReD Associates is a consultancy house with focus on qualitative methods. ETHOS Lab assisted them in investigating the media habits of young people through a datasprint by data scraping and analysis.
ETHOS Lab has collaborated with the University of Copenhagen’s Center for Language Technology, who were co-planners of the theme day on data visualization together with DeiC.
IxD Lab is one of five labs at the ITU. They work with interaction design and explore how materials and technology can be used in interactive settings and applications. Head of IxD, Anna Vallgårda is part of the ETHOS Lab research group.
Hexagon Geospatial is a global provider of GIS technology. ETHOS Lab is collaborating with them concerning their new M.Apps platform and are co-hosting an IGNITE session in that occassion.
TANT-Lab stands for "Techno-Anthropology Lab", and is situated at Aalborg University's Copenhagen campus. TANT-Lab pursues some of the same agendas as we do here at ETHOS Lab, and we are very pleased that such a place exists in Copenhagen.
Geoforum is an organisation with expertise within geographic data and related fields. We have collaborated with Geoforum by having representatives of the organisation give guest talks on several courses the lab was involved in.
Novo Nordisk is a Danish company operating globally and they have more than 90 years of experience with diabetes care. We have collaborated with Novo Nordisk, Deloitte Consulting, and IBM on a 'Datathon for Diabetes', where 50 students met for a weekend and worked in teams with open data sources in order to gain new insights about diabetes.
Copenhagen Association for Digital Methods is an association founded on the desire to strengthen the presence of digital methods in Copenhagen. It is composed of representatives from the University of Copenhagen, Aalborg University and on behalf of ITU, ETHOS Lab.
We have collaborated with the Danish e-Infrastrucutre Co-operation (DeiC) on hosting a theme day concerning visualization of data in the humanities and social sciences in December 2015.
Critical Systems is a research area at the IT-University of Copenhagen, focusing on the many interlocking and co-dependent digital systems modern society is reliant on. ETHOS Lab has co-hosted several events and activities with the Critical Systems group.
Ethnography Studio is a collective of ethnographers hosted at Rice University with which ETHOS Lab researchers are affiliated.