Who counts as a “normal” academic in Europe, and what kind of work does it take to pass as one? At the upcoming ETHOS event “Ordinary Others” we attend to the politics of the normal.
- When: Friday 20 April, 13:00-15:00
- Where: Auditorium 3 at ITU
We will begin with short framing of the issues at stake by Baki Cakici, followed by a discussion of Obaida Hanteer’s own account of the possibilities and boundaries academic practice. We will also be joined by Leonardo Cinieri Lombroso, the director of the upcoming documentary “Quando non puoi tornare indietro” focusing on Obaida’s own experiences, who will provide insight into the production process and provide his own perspective on the assumptions of contemporary Europe. We will also hear from Pedro Ferreira, who will demonstrate the peculiarities of participation in “international” academic conferences.
During the event we will screen a 10-minute segment from the upcoming documentary, and we will invite all participants to join us in an open debate section where we will seek to understand academic otherness through our own experiences, and to articulate strategies for navigating the conflicting demands of academic mobility and the increasingly racialised forms of border policing by nation states.