Latest Past Events

Workshop: Critical Technological Pedagogies as Future Making

ScrollBar Rued Langgaardsvej 7, Kbh S

ETHOS Lab will host a workshop to explore how the approaches we take in pedagogical design also tell us about the kind of digital future we want. The many decisions that go into building a learning environment for critical reflection on digital technologies include developing syllabi and learning exercises, creating spaces for formal and informal […]


Argh, where’s my data?! Seminar on missing data

Room 4A58 Rued Langgaards Vej 7, Copenhagen

 It seems that data are everywhere – except the times when they aren't there! Data can sometimes be absent, invisible, gone, not found, missing or simply dead. In a research process these absences and invisibilities can cause disillusionment, confusion, frustration, anxiety, relief, a laugh, and a whole lot of work.   Welcome to an afternoon […]
