by hefh | Jun 15, 2023 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
By Emilie Mørch Groth, Junior Researcher The recap I want to briefly take you back to the beginning of this project. Driven by an interest in public use of data and AI, and with an aim to build a better understanding of publicly used AI solutions and the...
by hefh | Jun 9, 2023 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
By Chris Aftzidis & Pau Victoria Menshikoff, Junior Researchers Initial project idea and first attempts Our initial idea was to build a network depicting references in academic papers. We wanted to analyse whether there is a difference in how people of...
by hefh | May 31, 2023 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
Written by Marisa Cohn, edited by Henriette Friis. Reflections from the Feminist Futures Copenhagen Panel Reclaiming through feminist methods: Stories from fashion, academia, urban planning and the arts On a sunny Friday afternoon on April 21st, four...
by hefh | Mar 1, 2023 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
By Marisa Cohn What does it mean to act as “a lab”? This has been a fundamental question we have faced as a collective of researchers and as an institutional unit within the University. This pertains to the question of our ambitions and our remit. The lab has always...
by hefh | Feb 27, 2023 | The ETHOS Blog: Metadata
By Chris Aftzidis & Paula Victoria Menshikoff, Junior Researchers Are you ever out by yourself in public and you start imagining what lives the people around you are living? What their hobbies and interests are, whether they have a partner or kids, or what...