Viktor Hargitai: LoL-app

Viktor has been working with the the subject of privacy in learning apps of Danish primary schools. In the following writings, Viktor reflects on the challenges of running a research project, where stakeholders interests and would-be simple practicalities are...
Interview with Rachel Douglas-Jones

Interview with Rachel Douglas-Jones

Rachel Douglas-Jones is one of the three Heads of Lab in ETHOS Lab, and a member of the ETHOS Lab research group. We asked Rachel some questions about her research and about her visions and hopes for the ETHOS Lab. Here is what she replied:   1:...
Data Power? What The Foucault!

Data Power? What The Foucault!

Data is power. What does this mean? The following scribbles will be an attempt to shed some light on this question. Now, to do this, we will need to introduce a little bit of French culture, but not in the form of croissants or red wine. Instead, we will be using the...