February 2019

Welcome to spring semester 2019!

The spring 2019 semester starts off with a February full of ETHOS events. We have been collecting applications to become Junior Researchers (deadline on Sunday 10 February 23:59--you can still apply!), and look forward to welcoming a new cohort as well as some continuing their projects from last semester. On the 11th of February, we will have a half-day workshop to develop 'The Digital Anthropocene'; We have banded together with Antropologiforeningen to host an Ethnographic Happy Hour to mark the release of the book "Ethnography for a data-saturated world" (Ed. Hannah Knox). Our Shut Up & Write sessions will return on Mondays 13:00-15:00, starting on the 18 February, and our deletion poems chapbook will be launched on 22 February.

All the best, 



Teaching: Digital Anthropocene Syllabus Workshop

This workshop draws together interdisciplinary thinking on the natural and the digital, the environmental and the managerial, the material and the sensor-ial. In 2018’s Data Ecologies of the Anthropocene, James Maguire and Astrid Anderson asked how data and environment making are becoming mutually constitutive. In this follow up, we advance that starting point by asking how a syllabus on The Digital Anthropocene could reflect this co-constitution. Working collaboratively, the outcome of the workshop will be a co-authored, annotated Digital Anthropocene Syllabus, hosted on the ETHOS website and sites of participating institutions. It will be open access, free to download, and cite-able, modifiable to different teaching situations, programs and class sizes.


Event: Ethnographic Happy Hour: Ethnography for a data-saturated world

Antropologforeningen and ETHOS Lab are co-hosting an Ethnographic Happy Hour to celebrate the release of the book "Ethnography for a data-saturated world". Editor Hannah Knox, Associate Professor at the Department of Anthropology at UCL and author Baki Cakici, Assistant Professor at ITU will do a presentation of the book, after which there will be time for discussion. Read more here and check out the Facebook event here. All are welcome, and there will be snacks and drinks.

When: 12 February 16:00-18:00
Where: ETHOS Lab, 3A30


Event: Launch party for 'GDPR Deletion Poems'

Many months later, the book of deletion poems, for which we have continuously created and curated content, is here: "GDPR: Deletion Poems", Eds. Rachel Douglas-Jones & Marisa Cohn. Join us in the reveal at the chapbook launch party, featuring video installation artwork by David Cohn and readings of the poems created at deletion poetry events in Copenhagen and Oxford on the days the GDPR came into force across Europe.

When: 22 February 16:00-18:00
Where: ETHOS Lab

All are welcome, but please register at: bit.ly/gdprchapbook and follow the Facebook event for more updates, too.


Teaching: Shut Up & Write - relaunching!

Writing is a craft and one of the key requirements in conveying any research. It is also a vital part of academia and requires creativity but also scientific robustness. ETHOS Lab acknowledges this desk-work as an analytical process that needs to be taken seriously, which is why we have weekly Shut Up & Write sessions. All are welcome, but please register via bit.ly/ethoswrite.

When: Mondays 13:00 - 15:00, with kick-off on Monday 18 February!
Where: ETHOS Lab (3A30)

No matter what you are writing on – please join in the sessions and read more about the advantages with making them part of your study/academic rhythms.


Other News

• PhD: Copenhagen Business Schools has a number of vacant PhD Scholarschips in DigitalizationThey pertain to the interaction of people, data and technology in all of its manifestations. Studies focus on how individuals, groups, organizations and society can grow and prosper by capitalizing on digital technologies.  

• Videos from former publicETHOS events 

• Opening hours are Tuesday and Thursday at 12.30-16:00 in 3A30
