March 2017
Welcome Spring’17 Junior Researchers!
As if to mark the coming of spring, we are now very happy to welcome our new team of Junior Researchers. With the addition of both new and old Junior researchers from both DIM and SDT, the lab now feels whole again. The focus for several of the projects is how to inquire through mixed methods on issues such as speech recognition, the training of algorithms and the of role trust in interactions with AI. Inquiries will be opened up through both algorithmic generated data and in-situ ethnographic prompts and participation. Their projects are framed as very interesting cases for situated analytics and we are eager to follow and take part in the upcoming experimentations.
Last month we explored ‘analytical moves’ with Andrea Ballestero and co-head of lab Rachel Douglas-Jones. Researchers ranging from PhDs to Lab rats and Associated Professors got together for an inspiring workshop. The point was to try out alternative takes on analysis, and shake things up a bit by conducting a series of exercises. Following the workshop, we held our first public ETHOS of the year in which Rachel and Andrea gave a talk on their experimental Twitter analysis project.
For our second public ETHOS we have a 2-part Watson Analytics Workshop coming up. We are planning to do the same setup for Tableau, as students are also eager to explore this tool for managing and visualising data as well. Did you know that as a student you can apply for a 1 year free Tableau license? Visit their website and notice that each year you are enrolled as a full-time student, you can request a new one-year key.
Job Alert! We are still recruiting a person to join the Mapping Colonial Copenhagen project as the website and programming map-maker. It is a paid position either as a student-worker or paid as a remuneration (honorar) contract. The person we are looking for should have experience creating website GIS maps displaying several types of data on particular locations, but we have no particular preference to preferred tools. Please contact us if you or someone in your network is interested.
DaR launch on Thursday! Stay tuned through the #DaR and their new website. You can follow the launch event through a live-stream on ITU’s Facebook page.
All the best, ETHOS Lab.