January/February 2020

Year 2020: Deep Time

Happy New Year and Decade! A letter from Heads of Lab gives us reflections from 2019 and also takes a deep dive into the theme of 2020: Deep Time. The letter starts with 

“What is not dead may eternal lie, with strange æons even death may die” 

Open your letter here

Stories from 2019 make their mark of a busy end-of-the-year season of researching, collaborating and WRITING. A few words on these events and blog posts from Viktoriya Feshak and Lotte Schack. Both Lotte and Viktoriya have experimented with research and methods through short junior researcher internships at ETHOS Lab and we would like to share their work on interesting reflections on unemployment's precarity training and constructing inclusion on the Copenhagen metro line.

The theme of Deep Time acknowledges 2020 as the ETHOS Lab’s 5th birthday! Five years is most definitely Deep Time in institutional terms. We will be taking the opportunity to look back on the many things we have done together. Just as geologists detect changes in planetary atmosphere through core samples of the layered years, we detect the sediments of the last half decade, laying plans for 2025!

ETHOS Lab will be participating in the third workshop with The Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology on 17 February on the topic of Solidarity and Intergenerational Dialogue leading up to the Biennale in May. We expect it to be an eventful year, so please mark your calendar and stay up to date by subscribing to the newsletter and follow us on twitter, facebook or instagram.

With all best for a fabulous and very deep 2020,

Co-heads of Lab: Marisa Cohn & Rachel Douglas-Jones
Post doc: Katrine Meldgaard Kjær
Lab Manager: Marie Blønd

Letter from Heads of Lab

Letter from Heads of Lab

Rachel Douglas-Jones and Marisa Cohn they present our thematic emphasis for this coming year: Deep Time, a term predominantly used by astronomers and geologists to describe the vertiginous lengths of time that have preceded human presence on earth. Interested both in depth and in time, we take it as a theme to orient our work in the following ways: 

First, Deep Time playfully acknowledges the relative timescales at play in tech development: is the human a relevant scale when read against the quickened obsolescence of technology development? Second, Deep Time acknowledges that 2020 is a year beset by outdated futuristic predictions, haunted by old futures. Can ideas like layering and sedimenting help us think about the infrastructures, platforms and new systems being added to organisations in the digitizing of everyday life? Third, we want to make histories of technology more present in our everyday work in the Lab. Our annual Ada Lovelace Day brings computational history.....

Training for Precarity

Training for Precarity

Blogpost by Lotte Schack, Anthropologist and intern in ETHOS Lab

For a few months, unemployed university graduates have been subject to heated debate which coincidentally started around the time I entered the unemployment system after having completed a degree, perhaps ironically with a thesis about precarious employment in Berlin. This blog post explores how the Danish unemployment system trains newly unemployed graduates to approach job searching and asks how that shapes unemployed graduates’ relationship to the labour market. As I have experience with the system myself, I conducted a mainly auto-ethnographic project (Reed-Danahay 1997; Williams 2015), complemented by a few interviews with other unemployed university graduates. Read more...


Writing Workshops

Many activities and interests in ETHOS Lab never manifests in the academic limelight as published articles. One of our autumn focus points was therefore to explore writing in a collaborative way as a lab. We explored this in a series of 3 workshops. The first was designed and facilitated by Line Henriksen and Katrine Meldgaard Kjær focusing on monsters and vulnerabilities. The second was a role-playing workshop revolving around the GDPR event and the hauntings of the mystical box of data. The third and final workshop was an exploration of particular articles that could potentially be written in collaboration and 3 intense writing sessions. One article has already been submitted and several are being outlined. 

Metro for (almost) everybody

Metro for (almost) everybody

Blogpost by Viktoriya Feshak, Junior Researcher and ETHOS Lab intern

Almost three months ago, when I came to Copenhagen for my internship at the ETHOS Lab, a long-awaited city phenomenon was introduced to the citizens: new metro line Cityringen. This project is envisioned to be “sustainable”, “stronger and more efficient”; it operates with driverless train, equipped with user-friendly devices, and overall is very aesthetic. Moreover, this is a second, improved version of an existing metro and the construction of this project started two years after Denmark had ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), where they acknowledged to promote Universal Design in architectural policies..Read more.

A workshop on methods and approaches for studying algorithmic systems

Methods and approaches for studying algorithmic systems

A Blogpost by Simy Kaur Gahonia on her participation in a workshop on methods and approaches for social science studies of algorithms.

The workshop was the second in a series of three with the overarching theme of Nordic perspectives on algorithmic systems, funded by NOS-HS.
Because the question is, as the organizers ask, could there be a particular and productive Nordic approach to studying algorithms and their practices? For this purpose, some 30 researchers made their way to Scrollbar at ITU, where the method-specific workshop took place; The previous workshop in the series dealt with concepts and metaphors of algorithmic systems (hosted in Stockholm), and the third is set to think up potential interventions (hosted in Helsinki).

ETHOS Lab’s Marisa Cohn and Pedro Ferreira were spearheading the organization of this second workshop at ITU. Read more.


Industrial PhD event

Are you considering an Industrial PhD? We have invited key people to the lab to tell us something about how to plan and apply. You should leave with at least an overview of the process and upcoming deadlines. You will also get the chance to hear about the endeavor from someone currently doing an industrial PhD. Everyone is welcome! 

When: 6 February from 14-15.30
Where: ETHOS Lab, 3A30


Other News & Info

Play the Moral Machine
Test your own morals up against machine intelligence in dilemmas for self-driving cars http://moralmachine.mit.edu/ 

First special Issue of Feminist Review out now @ https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/fera/123/1

Our ITU Ecological Community: RethinkIT: A Green Student Movement is growing at ITU. Join in @ Rethinkit.nu 

Internet Age Media and SPACE10 are inviting everyone to contemplate the role, design and use of digital technologies in societies at The Post-Everython, 20 February from 18-20.15 in Copenhagen. 

The Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS) is hosting a two-day interdisciplinary workshop to kick off the ERC-funded research project DISTRACT: the Political Economy of Attention in Digitized Denmark on the 27th and 28th of January 


Conferences/Call for abstracts

19-20 March 2020
Data as Relation final conference: Data Times: Immediacies, Lifecycles, Forgettings

4-7 Juni 2020
Conference on Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future


PhD/Job Calls

PhD student in Gender Studies, 1-3 positions
Linkoping - deadline 30 January, read more here


Opening hours are Tuesday and Thursday at 12.30-16:00 in 3A30
