May 2023

Updates from May: Life happen in seasons

Hi there,

I’ll keep it short this time to match the length of the newsletter.

As we dip in and out of public holidays, enjoying the last of the long weekends, the university is buzzing in preparation for that special time of year; exam and graduation season. There is an energy of nerves and excitement all around, and it’s a good reminder that most things in life happen in seasons.

Here at ETHOS we wish all students reading along good luck with this upcoming season of life. You’ve got this!

Until next time ~

 - Henriette 


We’d always love to hear your feedback on the newsletter. Reach us here: 


What’s new?  

Failurists – When Things go Awry
Co-director Jessamy Perriam has a chapter out in a new book called FailuriSTS that came out about a month ago. About the book: “Failure is a popular topic of research. It has long been a source of study in fields such as sociology and anthropology, science and technology studies, privacy and surveillance, cultural, feminist and media studies, art, theatre, film, and political science. When things go awry, breakdown, or rupture they lead to valuable insights into the mundane mechanisms of social worlds.” In the chapter, Jessamuy reflected on how we work on acknowledging the failures we encounter in our own research projects. 

Not this time. Temporalities of ending, editing, and enduring
In late May, co-director Marisa Cohn attended the conference “Not this time. Temporalities of ending, editing, and enduring” which had keynotes from The Waiting Times Project, Annett Busch, Fatima El-Tayeb, and Jane Jin Kaisen. The conference called for perspectives on retrieving and renegotiating temporal aspects of artistic practices, lived lives, and knowledge production while at the same time resisting ‘overing’ what we still seem to be in the very midst of today.

DFF Grant
We’re also very excited to share that our very own co-director Jessamy Perriam along with co-PI Irina Papazu (from the TiP research group) have received a grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) for their project 'Transnational Collaboration at the Digital Frontier' about how countries collaborate (and compete) on public digitalization. Soon, they will be hiring a PhD, a postdoc, and a research assistant, so stay tuned. And if anyone involved in transnational digitalisation work sees this, don't hesitate to reach out! Big congrats from the Lab <3

Spring Writing Retreat
On Friday May 26th the lab gathered for our biannual writing retreat. This time we went to Future Club in Sydhavn, where we spent the day writing together and making great progress on various projects. We really enjoy this time spent together, to work alongside each other, and this time was no different. What was different, however, was the format we followed. In previous years we’ve done the writing retreat in an unconference style, but this time we decided to add a bit more structure and prep-time to allow the more junior scholars in our collective to be better set up to contribute. We covered a lot of ground throughout the different sessions, including feminist digital methods, hackathon reflections, Alt-text, Nordic ID numbers, digital humanities, and non-violent digital transformation.

What's next?

NOSTS 2023
As mentioned in the last newsletter, the lab will be well-represented at NOSTS this year with members of the lab leading/participating in several sessions:

• Michael Hockenhull will do a presentation titled 'Studying the state through digital infrastructure: A sociotechnical digital methods approach' in the session ‘Sociotechnical Data Studies';

• Katrine Meldgaard Kjær and Lara Reime will both be presenting in the panel ‘Who is Femtech for? Intersectional Interventions’;

• Marisa Cohn has co-organized with Julia Velkova, Linköping University a double panel titled “(Un)timely Endings: Negotiating Sociotechnical relations in their unmaking”; 

• Jessamy Perriam is organising a panel called ‘Demonstrating Disruption’ and is presenting her work on legacy tech in the public sector on Marisa’s panel.

ETHOS Lab Summer Party
On June 16th we are looking forward to gathering friends, old and new, to our annual ETHOS Lab Summer Party. If you are part of our community and would like to join (but have not yet received an invitation), please get in touch with Henriette ( 


New on the blog

Reclaiming through feminist methods: Stories from fashion, academia, urban planning and the arts

Reclaiming through feminist methods: Stories from fashion, academia, urban planning and the arts

Written by Marisa Cohn, edited by Henriette Friis.   Reflections from the Feminist Futures Copenhagen Panel Reclaiming through feminist methods: Stories from fashion, academia, urban planning and the arts On a sunny Friday afternoon on April 21st, four practitioners Eliyah Mesayer, Sofie Burgos-Thorsen, Sadaf ‘Saf’ Hayat, and Hilda Rømer came together at Space10 for the event “Reclaiming through feminist methods: …

Read more.


 Wishing you all a beautiful rest of your day!

Keep up to date with the Lab by subscribing to the newsletter and follow us on twitterfacebook or Instagram.



Co-heads of Lab: Marisa Cohn & Jessamy Perriam
Lab Manager: Henriette Friis


ETHOS Lab Open Hours 

The Lab has regular opening hours throughout the semester on Tuesdays 10:00-11:30 & Thursdays from 11 to 14, allowing for a lunch break around noon.

The opening hours are co-working time for the Lab staff, as well as an opportunity for impromptu meetings and informal encounters for the community of faculty and students. This is an opening for bouncing off ideas, getting feedback, and work in the LabEveryone is welcome, just pop by!
