May 2016
Ides of May
The ITU and hence also ETHOS Lab is filled with the sound of concentration - clacking of keyboards, groups discussing and muttering, coffee machines whirring - as the university has entered into exam mode. For many the exams mark a transition from one state into another: from semester to holidays, or more dramatically, from life as a university student to that of newly graduated. In this way, May is proving to be an "ides" in the lives of many of the students at ITU and in ETHOS Lab.
We feel this keenly in the lab, as some of our talented Junior Researchers and volunteers are putting last touches on their thesis projects. On the 3rd of May the lab had the pleasure of hosting a poster session with Doctors Geoffrey Bowker and Steven Brown, where these thesis students presented their work in progress. You can read more about that in the newsletter below.
Some students have already finished and defended their thesis work, and they have been invited to write about their research on the lab's blog, Metadata. That's turned into some great posts on using STS theory to understand copyright enactment and internet piracy and on using digital methods to perform textual analysis on large bodies of text. You can read about these projects below.
Life in the lab does not come to a standstill however, just because exams are upon us. We have been hosting Datasprints with our partner organisation Analyse & Tal and will be keeping our opening hours in order to service students in need of exam assistance through May and June.
Despite the busyness of exams, stay in touch: feel free to comment on our facebook and twitter posts or stop by the lab IRL, ITU Copenhagen 1C05.
Best regards & good luck,